CMU-Q celebrates excellence in mathematics with Integration Bee contest
Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q) hosted the Integration Bee, a competition for university students who are interested in exploring mathematics. The event was organized by CMU-Q’s Layan El Hajj, associate teaching professor of mathematics. Faculty members at CMU-Q, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar University and Texas A&M University at Qatar wrote and selected questions, and served as judges at the competition.
El Hajj organized the event to celebrate excellence in mathematics: “An Integration Bee is like a spelling bee, but competitors do a type of calculus problem,” she said. “We hope to inspire students to explore mathematics, and to foster a sense of community by bringing individuals together with a shared interest in solving problems.”
Prizes for the winners were generously donated by Masraf Al Rayan Bank. First place was secured by Emporia State University student Dhuha AbdulRahman. Second and fourth places went to CMU-Q students Ebil Jacob and Alina Barmagambetova, respectively. TAMU-Q’s Youssef Chbani placed third.
The first Integration Bee was held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1981, and has been adapted by universities around the world. This is the first Integration Bee held at CMU-Q.
With four programs that include in-depth quantitative analysis, mathematics is foundational at CMU-Q. Students from all programs must complete at least one year of university-level mathematics coursework, and many students go on to complete a minor in mathematical sciences.