Dudley Reynolds
Senior Associate Dean, Education
Full Teaching Professor, English
Dudley Reynolds has been a teacher and researcher of multilingual language learners for over 30 years, working primarily with learners of English. He has been a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar since 2007. In addition to language education policy, his research addresses developmental patterns in additional language learning, curricular and pedagogical approaches to literacy development, teacher education and learning. He served as President of TESOL International Association in 2016-2017, the largest international professional association for teachers of English to speakers of other languages with over 12,000 members in more than 150 countries. He is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences and has published widely in the field of applied linguistics.
Ph.D. Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
M.A. Applied Linguistics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
B.A. English, Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina
Area Of Expertise
- language policy and planning
- transational higher education
- educational and non-profit association leadership
- English as an additional language
- teacher education and development
- language assessment
- second language writing and reading
Research Description
Reynolds' current research focuses on the intersections of English language teaching and development of multilingual abilities. His 2019 WISE Research Report (wise-qatar.org), Language Policy in Globalized Contexts, examines educational policies and classroom practices that promote multilingualism in a world where multilingual communities and individuals are the norm. Past projects, including two projects funded by the Qatar National Research Fund, have examined teacher education and learning as well as trajectories of students' literacy development.
Research Keywords
language policy and planning
educational leadership
second language learning
language assessment
teacher cognition
teacher development
Useful Links
Language Policy in Globalized Contexts: https://www.wise-qatar.org/language-policy-in-globalized-contexts/
YouTube Channel with Professional Development Webinars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GatykDdPsFw&list=PL3iJMBVNKr8cEtGT-0eTob57b5zapWG1K
Raza, K., Coombe, C., & Reynolds, D. (Eds). (forthcoming). Policy development in TESOL and multilingualism: past, present and the way forward. Springer.
Reynolds, D. (2019). Language policy in globalized contexts. RR3.2019. 2019 WISE Research Series. Doha: World Innovation Summit for Education. https://www.wise-qatar.org/language-policy-in-globalized-contexts/ (English and Urdu versions)
https://www.wise-qatar.org/ar/language-policy-in-globalized-contexts/ (Arabic version)
Reynolds, D. (2010). Assessing writing, assessing learning. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan Press.
Reynolds, D. (2009). One on one with second language writers: A guide for writing tutors, teachers, and consultants. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Reynolds, D. (forthcoming). The E’s of TNHE and EMI: A phenomenographic lens. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 44(2). Special issue on English-medium instruction in transnational higher education.
Reynolds, D. (forthcoming). What is “Intercultural Communication” in Transnational Higher Education English-Medium Instruction? RELC Journal. Special issue on English-medium instruction in transnational higher education.
K. Raza, C. Coombe, & D. Reynolds. (forthcoming). Past, present, and ways forward: Towards inclusive practices in TESOL and multilingualism. Springer.
Reynolds, D. (forthcoming). Building English language resources of multilinguals. In K. Raza, C. Coombe, & D. Reynolds (Eds.) Policy development in TESOL and multilingualism: Past, present, and the way forward. Springer.
Reynolds, D. (2020). Professionalizing practice through research. In C. Coombe, N. J. Anderson, & L. Stephenson (Eds.), Professionalizing your English Language Teaching (pp. 303-313). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Reynolds, D. (2019). The process of writing. In K. Schaetzel, J. K. Peyton, & R. Fernandez (Eds.), Preparing adult English learners to write for college and the workplace (pp. 74-93). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Reynolds, D. (2018). Language teacher associations that learn. In A. Elsheikh, C. Coombe, O. Effiong (Eds.), The role of language teacher associations in professional development (pp. 39-52). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Reynolds, D. (2018). Writing assessment. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (Vol. 8 Assessment and Evaluation, pp. 5323-5329). Hoboken, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reynolds, D. (2017). A Qatari case for authenticity in the investigation of reading abilities and strategies. In A. Gebril (Ed.), Applied linguistics in the Middle East and North Africa (pp. 185-202). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. doi 10.1075/aals.15.08rey
Reynolds, D. (2017). Helping content teachers move beyond language: Translanguaging in Lesson Study groups. In M. A. Snow & D. M. Brinton (Eds.), The content-based classroom: Perspectives on integrating language and content (pp. 165-77, 2nd ed.). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Eslami, Z., Reynolds, D., Sonneburg-Winkler, S. L., & Crandall, J. (2016). Translanguaging for teacher development in Qatari middle school science classrooms. In J. Crandall & M. Cristison (Eds.), Teacher education and professional development in TESOL: Global perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Reynolds, D. (2015). Qatari middle school students’ perceptions of strategies for L1 and L2 reading. In C. Gitsaki, M. Gobert, & H. Demirci (Eds.) Current Issues in Reading, Writing and Visual Literacy:Research and Practice (pp. 28-45). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Reynolds, D. (2015). Human subjects review. Chapter for The Cambridge Guide to Research in Language Teaching and Learning edited by J.D. Brown and C. Coombe. Cambridge University Press.
Wetzel, D. & Reynolds, D. (2015). Adaptation across space and time: Revealing pedagogical assumptions. In D. S. Martins (Ed.) Transnational writing program administration (pp. 93-116). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press. (DOI: 10.7330/9780874219623.c004). Recipient of 2017 CCCC Outstanding Book Award.
Awards & Honors
University Service
Dean’s Academic Council. 2012-Present.
Chair, Institutional Review Board. 2011-Present.
CMUQ Representative on Qatar Foundation Teaching and Learning Committee. 2018-Present.
Dietrich College Council, 2019-Present.
Communication Core Competency Planning Committee, 2018-Present.
Habib University. Karachi Pakistan. Drafted proposal for Communication Studies and Design major and advised on faculty hiring (2010-2013)
Assessing English Language Placement Tests for Use in Qatari Post-secondary Institutions. Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP 08-036–6-002). Awarded to University of Calgary–Qatar (2010)
Communities of Practice: An Interinstitutional General Education Assessment Project. FIPSE Grant No. P116B020143. Awarded to California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Sacramento; Towson University; University of Delaware; University of Nebraska at Omaha. (2002-2006)
Professional Activities
President of TESOL International Association. Elected by membership to serve as President-elect March 2015-March 2016, President March 2016-March 2017, Past-President March 2017-March 2018.
Trustee, Fund for Future of Applied Linguistics. American Association for Applied Linguistics. 2021-2024.
Nominating Committee, TESOL International Association. 2021 and 2005. Elected by TESOL Membership.
Courses Taught
English 76-100 Reading and Writing for an Academic Context
English 76-101 Interpretation and Argument
English 76-318 Communicating in the Global Marketplace
English 76-324 Advanced Academic Writing
English 76-389 Rhetorical Grammar
Modern Languages 82-287 Multicultural Immersion: Relating Your World in Virtual Reality