Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards, Class of 2020
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award recipients: Maha Omar M.I. Al-Tamimi, Fahad Salah Bahzad, Raghid Bsat, Mohammed Nurul Hoque and Hassan Mohammed Nadeem

CMU-Q recognizes five graduates with top academic award

Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q) has announced the recipients of the Outstanding Academic Achievement Award for the Class of 2020. Each year, the top student from each major, based on grade point average at the time of graduation, receives the distinction.

The Outstanding Academic Achievement Award recipients for 2020 are: Maha Omar M.I. Al-Tamimi (Biological Sciences), Fahad Salah Bahzad (Business Administration), Raghid Bsat (Computational Biology), Mohammed Nurul Hoque (Computer Science) and Hassan Mohammed Nadeem (Information Systems).

Michael Trick, dean of CMU-Q, praised the students for their accomplishment. “Carnegie Mellon has a rigorous curriculum in each academic program. Through exceptional hard work and determination, these five students have earned this distinction. Congratulations to each of them.”

Al-Tamimi, Bahzad, Bsat, Hoque and Nadeem and the rest of the worldwide Class of 2020 for Carnegie Mellon received the official conferral of their degrees at a virtual ceremony last month. At the Qatar campus, the Class of 2020 was comprised of 86 graduates from the programs of biological sciences, business administration, computational biology, computer science and information systems.


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