Gulnaz Serikbay is graduating with a degree in computer science.
Gulnaz Serikbay is graduating with a degree in computer science.

Gulnaz Serikbay: Thinking about the world in a different way

As we approach Graduation Day for the Class of 2024, we are sharing the stories of just a few of these remarkable people who will receive their degrees on May 6. Today we learn more about Gulnaz Serikbay, who is graduating with her degree in computer science. 

Studying computer science has shifted the way Gulnaz Serikbay thinks about the world. A graduating senior at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMU-Q), Gulnaz thinks about problem solving in a new light as she closes out her undergraduate education.

“I have learned programming entirely at CMU-Q and had so many interesting classes and projects, which are fundamentals for my career,” said Gulnaz. “It changed the way I think about problems in math, and problems in general.”

Although computer science is a challenging academic program, Gulnaz also made the most of student life opportunities. “I was part of the Computing Club, and I made great friends on the volleyball team,” she said. “The people here make the difference, including amazing faculty and classmates who are supporting, advising, and always sharing knowledge.”

As an international student, Gulnaz was drawn to CMU-Q for the top-ranked computer science program, as well as the many opportunities to learn and grow in Education City. “The combination of Carnegie Mellon, Qatar Foundation, and the challenging program was a great match for me.”

After graduation, Gulnaz plans to give back to the country that offered her such an amazing opportunity. “There is such a strong community in Qatar, and I want to use the knowledge and skills I have learned to make it even stronger.”


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