A. Nico Habermann Distinguished Lecture in Computer Science: Martial Hebert
January 31, 2023 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Martial Hebert is University Professor and Dean of the School of Computer Science at CMU. He was Director of the Robotics Institute from 2015 to 2019 and on the faculty of the Robotics Institute after joining as a postdoc in 1984. His research areas include computer vision, autonomous systems, and machine learning.
Lecture Title: Attacking AI Challenges at the School of Computer Science
Abstract: In this presentation, we will review key research challenges that stand in the way of deploying AI systems in a variety of real-world applications. We will illustrate current progress and approaches toward addressing through examples from current research in the seven departments of the School of Computer Science.They include fundamental questions such as reducing the dependence on curated data, combining symbolic knowledge with statistical techniques, formally validating and characterizing system performance, human modeling for AI interaction, and systematic approaches to dynamically distributed AI components.
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About the A. Nico Habermann Distinguished Lecture Series: Named after Professor A. Nico Habermann, head of the Computer Science Department between 1980 and 1988 and Founding Dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon, the lecture series enables students to engage with prominent faculty and well-known leaders in the field of computer science.