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Areas of Expertise
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Carnegie Mellon Qatar has faculty experts in a wide variety of fields. To coordinate an interview, please contact Kara Nesimiuk, Executive Director, Marketing and Public Relations, at
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Biological Sciences
- bacteriophages
- biochemistry
- biotechnology
- cancer biology
- cell adhesion
- cell migration
- DNA and RNA
- enzymology
- gene editing
- genomics
- metagenomics
- microbiology
- molecular biology
- next generation sequencing
- personalized medicine
- RNA structural biology
- tumor immunology
- water security
Business Administration
- accounting
- algorithmic trading
- applied ethics
- applied microeconomics
- big data
- business applications of AI, machine learning and deep learning
- business communications
- business ethics
- climate change
- data analytics
- economics
- entrepreneurial finance
- entrepreneurship
- ethics of leadership
- executive education
- fintech
- global finance
- group decision-making processes
- innovation methods
- Islamic finance
- manufacturing and operations
- management
- marketing
- mathematical/statistical modeling
- operations research
- organizational behavior
- political economy
- pricing
- product/brand strategy
- product/service innovation
- revenue management
- supply chain
- sports economics
Computer Science
- artificial intelligence
- cloud computing
- computational complexity
- computational linguistics
- computational morphology
- computer networking
- cybersecurity
- distributed systems
- database management systems
- edge/fog computing
- entrepreneurship
- health care
- logical frameworks
- machine translation
- mobile and pervasive computing
- natural language processing
- network security
- parallel computer architectures
- proof theory
- robotics
- The Internet of Things
- wireless embedded systems
Information Systems
- artificial intelligence
- business process management
- cloud computing
- culture in information systems research
- cybersecurity
- database systems
- decision support systems
- e-collaboration
- education
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- green information systems
- health care analytics
- human-computer interaction
- information security
- innovation and tech entrepreneurship
- management information systems
- psychometrics
- smart cities
- social commerce
- social media diffusion
- software engineering
- sustainability management
Mathematics and Physics
- applied statistics for social science data
- boundary value problems appearing in finite elasticity
- combinatorics
- computational data analysis
- high pressure techniques
- mathematical modeling of swellable materials
- neutron scattering
- quantum magnetism
- solid state physics
- academic writing development
- argumentation
- bilingualism
- discourse analysis
- English as an additional language
- language assessment
- language education policy
- language learning
- multilingualism
- political rhetoric
- rhetoric
- second language writing
- Spanish
- systemic functional linguistics
- teacher education and development
- writing in the disciplines
History and Culture
- Arabian peninsula history
- environmental history
- history and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world
- immigration studies
- Islamic history
- modern European history
- south Asian history
- world history
Library and information literacy
- automated classification
- information literacy instruction
- learning and research behavior that occur in print versus digital information environments
- library management
- taxonomies
- Cognitive psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Neurodevelopmental disorders (dyslexia, autism, ADHD, dyscalculia)
For videos of our faculty, please see CMU-Q’s YouTube channel for the “Who teaches at CMU-Q” playlist.