Hasan Demirkoparan

Hasan Demirkoparan

Area Co-Head, Arts and Sciences
Teaching Professor, Mathematics

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Hasan Demirkoparan joined CMU-Q in August 2005 to teach mathematics. His areas of interest are the mathematical modelling of fiber reinforced materials and swellable materials, as well as boundary value problems appearing in finite elasticity. Demirkoparan has an active NPRP grant that studies new mathematical models for the large strain swelling response of biological tissues: applications to edema, inflammation and pregnancy.


Ph.D., Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

M.S., Industrial Mathematics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

M.S., Statistics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

B.Sc., Mathematics Education, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

B.Sc., Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Area Of Expertise

Mathematical modelling of fiber reinforced materials

Mathematical modeling of swellable materials

Boundary value problems appearing in finite elasticity

Research Keywords

finite elasticity, swelling, large deformation, multiplicative deformation of the deformation gradient, fiber reinforcement, dissolution and reformation of fibrous materials


H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, Swelling of an internally pressurized nonlinearly elastic tube with fiber reinforcing, International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 4009-4029.

H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, The effect of fiber recruitment on the swelling of a pressurized anisotropic nonlinearly elastic tube, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 42 (2007) 258-270.

H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, Torsional swelling of a hyperelastic tube with helically wound reinforcement, Journal of Elasticity 92 (2008) 61-90.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, On dissolution and reassembly of filamentary reinforcing networks in hyperelastic materials, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 465 (2009) 867-894.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Emergence of fibrous fan morphologies in deformation directed reformation of hyperelastic filamentary networks, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 68 (2010) 37-56.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Torsion of a fiber reinforced hyperelastic cylinder for which the fibers can undergo dissolution and reassembly, International Journal of Engineering Science 48 (2010) 1179-1201.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Fiber remodeling during torsion of a fiber reinforced hyperelastic cylinder – Unloading behavior, Journal of Elasticity 104 (2011) 163-185.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Chemomechanics and Homeostasis in Active Strain Stabilized Hyperelastic Fibrous Microstructures, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 56 (2013) 86-93.

H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, A theory for deformation dependent evolution of continuous fibre distribution applicable to collagen remodelling, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 79 (2014) 947-977.

H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and H. Tsai, Hyperelastic Internal Balance by Multiplicative Decomposition of the Deformation Gradient, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 214 (2014) 923-970.

H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, Magic Angles for Fiber Reinforcement in Rubber-Elastic Tubes subject to Pressure and Swelling, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 68 (2015) 87-95.

H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, Finite stretching and shearing of an internally balanced elastic solid, Journal of Elasticity, 121 (2015) 1-23.

H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Uniaxial load analysis under stretch dependent fiber remodeling applicable to collageneous tissue, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 95 (2015) 325-345.

A. Hadoush, H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, Simple shearing and azimuthal shearing of an internally balanced compressible elastic material, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 79 (2016) 99-114.

A. Hadoush, H. Demirkoparan and T. J. Pence, A Constitutive Model for an Internally Balanced Compressible Elastic Material, to appear in Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (2015) DOI 10.1177/1081286515594657.

H. Demirkoparan and J. Merodio, Bulging Bifurcation of Inflated Circular Cylinders of Doubly Fiber-Reinforced Hyperelastic Material under Axial Loading and Swelling, to appear in Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. (2015) DOI: 10.1177/1081286515600045

H. Topol, H. Demirkoparan, T. J. Pence and A. Wineman, Time-Evolving Collagen-Like Structural Fibers in Soft Tissues: Biaxial Loading and Spherical Inflation, to appear in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. (2016) DOI:  10.1007/s11043-016-9315-y

Courses Taught

21-120 Differential & Integral Calculus

21-122 Integration, Differential Equations & Approximation

21-127 Concepts of Mathematics

21-241 Matrices and Linear Transformations

21-256 Multivariate Analysis

21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization

21-301 Combinatorics

21-355 Principles of Real Analysis I

21-373 Algebraic Structures

21-441 Number Theory