Chadi Aoun

Chadi Aoun

Area Head, Information Systems; Teaching Professor, Information Systems

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Chadi Aoun is a teaching professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. He holds a PhD in Information Systems from the University of New South Wales, along with academic qualifications in business, education, and environmental science. Aoun’s academic experience includes appointments at the University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, and the University of Sydney, as well as visiting appointments at universities in the UK and Thailand. He has taught over 20,000 students, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, across the fields of information systems, management, and research methodologies. He received a teaching award in 2010 for his innovative teaching and curriculum development.

Aoun is a member of the Australian Computer Society and a member of the Association for Information Systems where he served as president of SIGGreen.


B.S. Bus – Management

MCom – Information Systems and Management

PCHE – Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

PCEnv – Environmental Science

PhD – Information Systems


Area Of Expertise

·       Green Information Systems

·       Sustainability Management

·       E-Collaboration

·       Smart Cities

·       Social Media Diffusion

·       Geographic Information Systems

·       Academic Pedagogy

Research Description

Aoun’s research applies transdisciplinary perspectives towards studying the pivotal role of information systems in complex sociomaterial contexts, like climate change adaptation and mitigation. Such contexts require a holistic consideration of environmental, economic, technological and sociological dimensions, aimed at creating community resilience and strategic competitive advantage. He has published and presented his research at academic, community, government, and industry fora in Australia, and throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas.


Vatanasakdakul, S., Aoun, C., & Chen, Y. 2017, Chasing Success: An Empirical Model for IT Governance Frameworks Adoption in Australia, Science, Technology and Society

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S., & Ang, K., 2016, Feedback for Thought:   Examining the Influence of Feedback Constituents on Learning Experience, Studies in Higher Education

Yousef, R., Fass, S., Liginlal, D., and Aoun, C. 2015, Combining Morphological Analysis and Bayesian Belief Networks: A DSS for Safer Construction of a Smart City,

Aoun, C., Chew, E., & Vatanasakdakul, S. 2014, Beyond Speculation: A Holistic Investigation into Factors Affecting Social Media Utilisation in the Workplace, the proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-11 August, Savannah

Aoun, C., Ang, K., & Vatanasakdakul, S. 2014, Where is the Feedback! A Decomposition of Feedback Mechanisms in an Introductory Information Systems Course, the proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-11 August, Savannah

Vatanasakdakul, S., Aoun, C., & Chen, Y. 2013, Effects of ERP Systems in China: Cultural Influences in the Manufacturing Industry, Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations, Vol 8, pp. 40-66

Chen, Y., Vatanasakdakul, S., & Aoun, C. 2013, Governing IT: Factors Influencing the Success of IT Governance Frameworks Adoption in Australia, the 5th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, 14 December, Milan

Aoun, C. & Vatanasakdakul, S. 2012, Social Media in the Workplace: Key Drivers for Inclusive Innovation, the proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-11 August, Seattle

Zhong, X., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C. 2012, Does culture matter? Cultural Influences and IT Governance Integration Mechanism, the proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 9-11 August, Seattle

Zhong, X., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C. 2012, IT Governance in China: Cultural Fit and IT Governance Capabilities, the proceedings of the 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 11-15 July, Hochiminh City

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Cecez-Kecmanovic, D. 2011, Can IS Save the World? Collaborative Technologies for Eco-Mobilisation, the proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 29 November – 2 December 2011, Sydney

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Bunker, D. 2011, From Cloud to Green: E-Collaboration for Environmental Conservation, the proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 12-14 December, Sydney

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Chen, Y. 2011, IT Governance Framework Adoption: Establishing Success Factors, the proceedings of the IFIP 8.6 Working Conference, 22-24 September, Hamburg

Vatanasakdakul, S., & Aoun, C. 2011, Why don’t accounting students like AIS? International Journal of Educational Management, 25, 4, pp. 1-17 (ISSN: 0951-354X)

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Li, Y. 2010, AIS in Australia: UTAUT application & cultural implication, the proceedings of the 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 1-3 December, Brisbane

Rai, P., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C. 2010, Exploring perception of IT skills among Australian accountants: An alignment between importance and knowledge, the proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference of Information Systems, 12-15 August, Lima, Peru

Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C. 2010, Interorganisational Networks of Pressure and Influence: A Study of B2B in the Thai Tourism Industry, Journal of Information Technology Research, 3, 1, pp. 13-27 (ISSN: 1938-7857)

Aoun, C., Vatanasakdakul, S. & Chen, Y. 2009, Made in China: ERP Post-Implementation Performance in the Chinese Manufacturing Industry, the proceedings of The 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 6-9 August, San Francisco

Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C.2009, I Don’t Like IT: Exploring Challenges in Accounting Information Systems Education, the proceedings of The 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 6-9 August, San Francisco

Vatanasakdakul, S. & Aoun, C. 2009, Social Structures, Isomorphic Pressures, and B2B Utilisation in Thailand, the proceedings of The 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 5-8 January, Waikoloa

Young, R. & Aoun C. 2008, Generic Skills to Reduce Failure Rates in an Undergraduate Accounting Information System Course, Asian Social Science, 4, 10, pp. 60-70

Aoun, C.2008, Peer-Assessment and Learning Outcomes: Product Deficiency or Process Defectiveness?, the proceedings of The 34th International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) Conference, 7-12 September,Cambridge University

Aoun, C. 2006, Introspective Reflections: Organisational Dimensions Affecting the Adoption and Diffusion of E-Commerce in SMEs, Journal of Management and World Business Research, 3, 1, pp. 30-43 (ISSN 1449-3179)

Aoun, C. 2006, Counting The Reasons: A Conceptual Framework for Studying Internal Barriers to the Adoption of E-Commerce in SMEs,  the proceedings of the Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, 10-13 July,  Paris, 276-287 (ISBN 0-9752272-1-1)

University Service

Information Systems Academic Advisor

Academic Review Board (ARB) Member

Tech Leaders Panels Moderator

Professional Activities

Chadi is a member of the Australian Computer Society and a member of the Association for Information Systems where he served as president of SIGGreen. He is a member of the Australasian AIS Chapter (AAIS) and the Qatar AIS chapter (QAIS).

Chadi chaired tracks and workshops in major IS conferences including:

·       The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)

·       The European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)

·       The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)

·       The Hawai’i International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)

·       The International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD)


Courses Taught

67-250 Information Systems Milieux

67-354 Information Systems and Sustainability

67-373 Software Development Project

67-379 Principles of Geographic Information Systems

67-475 Innovation in Information Systems