Program at a glance

Standard completion time: 4 years

Minimum units required for degree: 360 units

Biology: 131
Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science: 54
Chemistry: 56
Free electives: 48
Nontechnical breadth requirements: 72

See the CMU Undergraduate Catalog for more information about the requirements for a bachelor of science degree in biological sciences.
Learn more about the courses at CMU.

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First Year

Fall Semester

03-151 Honors Modern Biology (10)
09-105 Modern Chemistry I (10)
21-111 Calculus 1 (10) or 21-120 (10)
38-101 First Year Seminar: EUREKA (6)
76-100 Reading and Writing in an Academic Context (9)
99-101 Computing@Carnegie Mellon (3)

Total Units = 48

Spring Semester

09-106 Modern Chemistry II (10)
76-101 Interpretation and Argument (9)
15-110 Introduction to computing (10)
21-112 Calculus 2 (10) (if 21-111 was taken in the fall)
03-xxx Biological Sciences Elective (6) –Suggestion: 03-117 or 09-122– or
CGU/Non-technical/Free Elective (9)

Total Units = 44-48

Second Year

Fall Semester

03-220 Genetics (9)
09-207 Techniques in Quantitative Analysis (9)
09-217 Organic Chemistry I (9)
21-124 Calculus II for Biologists and Chemists (10)
03-201 Undergraduate Colloquium (1)
38-230 Engage in Wellness I (1)
03-2xx Biological Sciences Elective (9) or CGU/Non-technical/Free Elective (9)

Total Units = 48

Spring Semester

03-232 Biochemistry (9)
03-240 Cell Biology (9)
09-218 Organic Chemistry II (9)
QC-211 Introduction to Experimental Organic Chemistry (WCMCQ) (6)
03-202 Undergraduate Colloquium (1)
CGU/Non-technical/Free Elective (9-12).

Total Units = 43-46

Third Year

Fall Semester

03-343 Experimental Techniques in Molecular Biology (12)
03-411 Topics in Research (1)
33-121 Physics I for Science Students (12)
03-xxx Biology Elective (9) or undergraduate research
03-3xx Advanced Biology Elective (9)
38-330 Engage in Wellness II (1)
33-100 Physics Lab (6) — optional for pre-med students —

Total Units = 44-50


Spring Semester

03-344 Experimental Biochemistry (12)
02-250 Introduction to Computational Biology (12)
03-412 Topics in Research (1)
33-122 Physics II for Biological Sciences and Chemistry Students (9)
38-301 PROPEL: Third Year Seminar (3)
03-xxx Biology elective (9) or undergraduate research

Total Units = 46

Fourth Year

Fall Semester

03-xxx Biology Elective (9) or undergraduate research
03-3xx Advanced Biology Elective (9)
38-430 Engage in Wellness III (1)
38-110 Engage in Service (1)
38-220 Engage in Arts (2)
Non-technical Breadth Elective/Free Elective (9)
Non-technical Breadth Elective/Free Elective (9-12)

Total Units = 40-43


Spring Semester

03-xxx Biology elective (9) or undergraduate research
03-545 Senior Honors Thesis (9) — optional —
Non-technical Breadth Elective/Free Elective (9)
Non-technical Breadth Elective/Free Elective (9)
Non-technical Breadth Elective/Free Elective (9)

Total Units = 45