Susan M. Hagan
Associate Teaching Professor Emeritus
Susan Hagan focuses her research interests on the interaction of words, images, and typeface, both static and in motion, in terms of their value for argument, description, and narrative. She envisioned and co-edited a special issue of Artifact: The Interaction of Practice and Theory in 2007. Her article, Visual/Verbal Collaboration in Print: Complementary Differences, Necessary Ties, and an Untapped Rhetorical Opportunity (Hagan 2007) received the 2008 NCTE Best Article on Philosophy or Theory for Technical or Scientific Communication. She was invited to write a chapter focused on illustrators as collaborative problem solvers in visual/verbal environments. Her book project is Interplay: How Image Text and Typography Create Complementary Meaning, which emerges from her interdisciplinary background.
Ph.D., Rhetoric, Carnegie Mellon University
Master of Design, Communication Planning and Information Design, Carnegie Mellon University
BFA, Painting, Art History Minor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Area Of Expertise
Visual/Verbal and multimodal rhetoric
Research Description
Hagan focuses her research interests on the interaction of words, images, and typeface, both static and in motion, in terms of their value for argument, description, and narrative.
Research Keywords
visual/verbal rhetoric; communication design; interdisciplinary; integrative; graphic; visual rhetoric; visual studies; multi-modal rhetoric
Hagan, S. M. (2007). Visual/Verbal collaboration in print: Complementary differences, necessary ties, and an untapped rhetorical opportunity. Written Communication, 24(1), 49-83. (Received NCTE Award 2008).
Hagan, S. M. (2007, April). [Review of Perspectives in multimodality]. Language in Society, 36(2), 274-278.
Hagan, S. M., & Stolterman, E. (Eds.). (2007). Artifact: The Interaction of Practice and Theory 1(3).
Hagan, S. M., & Stolterman, E. (2007). Editorial. Artifact: The Interaction of Practice and Theory. In S. Hagan & E. Stolterman (Eds.), Artifact: The Interaction of Practice and Theory 1(3), 131-133.
Hagan, S. M. (2015). Developing style as meaning in animation. In C. Ferreira (Ed.), Confia: International conference on illustration & animation. (pp. 409-421). Portugal: IPCA. (ISBN 978-989-98241-9-5).
Hagan, S. M. (2013). Engaging visual purpose: Toward the use of writing for drawing. In C. Ferreira (Ed.), Confia: International conference on illustration & animation (pp. 107-124). Portugal: IPCA. (ISBN 978-989-97567-6-2).
Salama, A., Oflazer, K., & Hagan, S. (2013). Typesetting for improved readability using lexical and syntactic information. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Vol. 2. Short Papers, 2013, 719–724. (ISBN 978-1-937284-51-0).
Hagan, S. M. (2012). The challenge of look and read: Why illustration communicates meaning that text is not equipped to deliver. In C. Ferreira (Ed.), Confia: International conference on illustration & animation (pp. 107-124). Portugal: IPCA. (ISBN 978-989-97567-6-2).
Hagan, S. M. (2004). Visual/Verbal meaning collaboration in redefining interplay: A case study. In Futureground (compact disc). Melbourne, Australia: Design Research Society.
Hagan, S. M. (2004). Using ‘visual/verbal interplay’ to tap Into collective memory and shared understanding. In D. McDonagh (Ed.), Design and emotion: The experience of everyday things (pp. 155-159). Loughborough: Taylor & Francis.
Hagan, S. M. (2001). Teaching intuitive skills: Using speak-aloud protocols to explore design skills. In V. Popovic & T. Kim (Eds.), ICSID educational seminar 2001 Seongnam proceedings: Exploring emerging design paradigm (pp. 185-191). Seoul, Korea: Korean Institute of Design Promotion, International Council of Societies of Industrial Design.
Awards & Honors
Role Model Award, 2010, Carnegie Mellon’s Greek community honors faculty who have served as mentors.
NCTE Award for Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical or Scientific Communication. National Council of Teachers of English, 2008.
H&SS Graduate Student Teaching Award, 2004, Based on innovation in teaching and development of courses.
Siegel Fellowship, 1995.
National Ad Wheel Awards for Excellence in Mass Transit Design: 1993 First place Brochure. 1991.1992 First place Ad in Series. 1990 Honorable Mention Radio Ad.
Women in Communications Regional Award 1991 First place Special Purpose Publication.
Strathmore Certificate of Merit 1990 Letterhead.
University Service
Title IX Deputy Coordinator in Qatar, 2015
Faculty Advisor to the Graduation Speaker, 2015.
Selection Committee: Student Graduation Speaker, 2015.
QSIURP Committee: Evaluate student research proposals, 2013 to present.
Meeting of the Minds: Preliminary Judge and Faculty Guide, 2013 to present.
CMU-Q Workshop: Poster Development, Spring, 2014-15.
Workshop IS: How to Conduct a Literature Review, with Silvia Pessoa, 2013-14.
CMU-Q Workshop: Resume Writing & Design, Fall, 2013-14.
Qatar Course Open House, 2012 to present. Organized and presented twice-yearly event that gives undergraduates the opportunity to learn more about electives and minors.
ARB: Academic Review Board, 2012 to 2015.